February 5, 2006
I make a private email to an internet writer of stadium issues, Neil De Mause, of Fields of Schemes, questioning “certain institutions” for mucking up the planning of our Nation’s Capital for greed.
March 8, 2006
I begin receiving email from Verio, my internet service provider for my web sites http://www.HIghwaysAndCommunities.com and http://www.HIghwaysAndCommunities.com/southcapitolstreet
with an invoice problem upping my $29.95 monthly charge to $599.00
March 17, 2006
I made a public post questioning the role of the Roman Catholic Church in the planning for South Capitol Street in response to a misleading post by Neil De Mause on yahoo.stadiums.newsgroups.
That received no reply; to the best of my knowledge, Neil de Mause has yet to write any such story either in stadiums@yahoo.groups, nor in his Field of Schemes web site. I find this notable since de Mause had contacted me hours after my initial September 2004 internet posts about the stadium blocking the South Mall, expressing interest in this story.--- stadiums@yahoogroups.com wrote: > 6.
Field of Schemes Update: D.C. development> to lag behind stadium> From: neil@demause.net> > Message: 6
Date: 17 Mar 2006 15:48:46 -0000 From: neil@demause.netSubject: Field of SchemesUpdate: D.C. development to lag behind stadium (snip)
Before condos are built and stores opened, major transportation improvements are necessary, including a $20 million renovation of the Navy Yard Metro station.The D.C. Department of Transportation is about to spend $625 million to expand South Capitol Street and rebuild the Frederick Douglass Bridge.---
Neil: South Capitol Street is to be
"expanded"???This is news to me as every report that I have seen shows theplanners retaining the existing narrow (30') streetright of way width, as I have pointed out to you and others with my web site on that area's planning at: http://www.HighwaysAndCommunities.com
That planning decision was ostensibly done to save dwellings to the west of South Capitol Street; however these are shown removed and replaced by much larger buildings in National Capitol Planning Commission’s2005 report. That decision will deny any linear greenway for South Capitol Street; it will complicate if not stop the Anacostia Waterfront Initiative plans for a parallel vehicular tunnel.
That decisions’ primary beneficiary are the owners of the one and only significant building along this corridor that will survive the redevelopment: the Archdiocese of Washington's St. Paul de Vincent Church at the northeast quadrant of South Capitol and M Streets.
http://www.highwaysandcommunities.com/southcapitolstreet/South_Capitol_Street_Question_of_St_Vincents_Church.htmNote that in my interpretation of the Legacy greenway concept, that I have that Church structure retained at its historic context at this intersection, with itsstructure shifted several hundred feet to the east to accommodate the greenway and tunnel. Stuff like this has already been done: in 1969 the oldest Jewish synagogue was moved 5 blocks to accommodate WMATAsubway construction.
Here's something I would like your help on. In the past, where there have been such conflicts, one can find newspaper articles, such as the D.C. I-395 routing north of K Street that is curved to avoid the Bibleway Church on New Jersey Avenue, and the aborted1960 plans to route I-95 into D.C. through the Catholic Sisters properties. But I can not find a single newspaper article on the role of the Roman Catholic Church authorities in the planning for the South Capitol Street, even though I have been told by fellow attendees at the National Building Museum that individuals from the Archdioceseof Washington, did express their absolute opposition to any moving of the St. Vincent De Paul Church structure.Could you and any one else, please indicate what news accounts exist about this. It would definitely make an excellent and extremely appropriate story for a Neil de Mause Field's of Schemes write-up.
Douglas A. Willinger
(the web site about the botching of the planning forSouth
Capitol Street)

March 28, 2006
My “PATRIOT” Act - U.S. Department of Security ID-financial file is checked out by someone (I don’t know who). I found this out upon opening a bank account recently.
“PATRIOT” may mean “Pry And Treat Roughly In Our Turf”?
March 29, 2006
I start my blog http://wwwsouthcapitolstreet.blogspot.com with the post Choices.”
Strange automobiles begin appearing in my family’s house driveway; we (my Mother and myself) have seen what appear to be airport taxi (un-stretched limo) pulled all the way down the driveway, past the sidewalk to the front door where he could be seen from inside the house, to a blind spot next to the garage doors and operating a lap top computer; my mother goes out to inquire, the driver says he is looking for “Mr. Brown” and speeds off.
This is the first happening of this in 6 years at that address, and such misplaced automobiles begin to show up intermittingly through Spring and into the Summer.
April – July 2006
I make numerous posts about the South Capitol Street corridor planning, with some of these mentioning the St. Vincent de Paul Church.
July 22, 2006
At 11.11 AM, I make a post “Physical Realities”.
It shows the St. Vincent DePaul Roman Catholic Church and the new office building going up behind it at 20 M Street SE preventing the church building’s easiest relocation, owned by the man who was selected to purchase the Washington Nationals baseball franchise, juxtapositioned with the man over the St. Vincent de Paul Church, Theodore Lerner and Theodore McCarrick.
5 hours later, my mother opens and steps outside the front door and sees a strange automobile stopping in front, with the driver staring and pointing directly at our house; he speeds off.
(The house is on a dead end street, making it easier to notice such vehicles).
This was not a daily experience during the blog’s 4 month, 6 day duration of posts. But it became an occurrence shortly after whenever I made a post spot lighting St. Vincent de Paul Church.
The ambush itself occurred at about 2:30 AM, August 5, 2006.
Because of the timing of things, including my blog’s post of July 22, 2006 “Physical Realities” which includes a photo of Washington Cardinal Theodore McCarrick (who retired May 2006), and the simple fact that St. Vincent de Paul Church is a Roman Catholic Church, this suggests to me that the entity that I have pissed off is the Roman Catholic Church.
The fact that no one else touches this South Capitol Mall issue – that it has gone entirely unreported by the “mainstream” media as if the issue was taboo to report or discuss -- adds to this outlook. So does the following.
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