Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Gonzales Resigns- XXXX to go


Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet Editorial
Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The ineffective liberal left celebrates the exit of Gonzales like it's some major victory when in fact it changes nothing and every assault on the Constitution that was crafted with his help remains on the books.

Why are the left so naive as to believe that just because a token figurehead is toppled this somehow makes amends for the fact that the infrastructure of a totalitarian state has been implemented over the last six years?

"Unfortunately, Gonzales's incompetence will live on in a string of dubious legal arguments largely rubber-stamped by a pliant Congress and maintained through claims of executive privilege and state secrecy," writes Burke Hansen of the Register.

"Ultimately, it will be up to the courts to undo the damage done, as Gonzalez spent so much time walking all over the fundamental rights of Americans he's practically left footprints on the Bill of Rights. Thanks to his stewardship, American citizens can now be classed as enemy combatants, spied on without warrants, imprisoned indefinitely without charges or redress to the courts, and subjected to "enhanced interrogation" techniques."

Where is the pressure for Democrats to repeal the Military Commissions Act, the John Warner Defense Authorization Act and innumerable other police state measures that were passed with their willing consent?

Only when we get the unconstitutional laws that Gonzales was responsible for pushing through stricken can we even begin to make progress.

The left likes to label itself as a "progressive community" yet they are seemingly content to wait and do nothing until Hillary Clinton gets in office so that she may enjoy the smorgasbord of tyranny that the Bush administration has laid out for her since 2001.

"Let's be clear," writes Dave Lindorff, "Alberto Gonzales is resigning as attorney general not because he's become an embarrassment to the Bush administration-which has repeatedly shown itself to be beyond embarrassment-but because he is no longer useful. Exposed as a serial liar and an administration hack, he can no longer be relied upon by the Bush administration to carry forward its criminal agenda of subverting the Constitution, the electoral process and the Bill of Rights, because his every step is being watched by the public and the Congress."
The fact is that Gonzales was merely a disposable battery for the rampaging robot of mechanized tyranny that symbolizes the Bush administration. He has now run out, been ejected and will be replaced by another while the destruction wrought by the machine itself remains untouched - until we realize that the overarching agenda and not its minions should be the real focus.
A good piece for addressing the broadside of the pyramid, but not its political capstone as such represented by the Jesuit Order run Georgetown University that has sat in Washington, D.C. since 1789, which gave us the PATRIOT Act.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Gonzales Resigns- One Down, XXXX to go

U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales submits his resignation effective September 17, 2007.


His resignation does nothing substantial -- except serve as a distraction -- as long as the influence of the counter reformation (religious terrorist) entity of Georgetown University which produced the so-called PATRIOT Act -- remains unchallenged.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

NY Times Schizophrenia: Undermining Surveilence Concerns With Cameras for "Conjestion" Pricing

The New York Times can write a good editorial warning us of some of the dangers of warrant less surveillance favored by the Bush Administration (actually the U.S. government as written and run via Jesuit Georgetown University).

But that newspaper is awfully found of editorializing in favor of "congestion" pricing -- a scheme to charge people to drive on existing roads -- complete with license plate reader cameras.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Executive Privilage

U.S. President G.W. Bush throwing the 1st ball of the baseball season

1- Getting to throw the 1st ball of the (Major League) baseball season.
2- Getting the opportunity to subvert the 1st Amendment by using warrant less surveillance against those that dare write what the mainstream media ignores regarding the sell out of the once planned South Capital Mall for the sake of a Roman Catholic Church (St. Vincent de Paul) that has its building line effectively extended south via a new baseball stadium culminating in its knife edged Washington Nationals headquarters.
3- Getting away with that because surveillance related records are not discoverable in court.
4- Getting away with that because the lamestream media is ruled by those that want to subvert the 1st Amendment- not only freedom of speech but also freedom of religion...


Tuesday, August 07, 2007

NY Times editorial "Selective Prosecution"

Go to Original

Selective Prosecution
The New York Times | Editorial

Monday 06 August 2007

One part of the Justice Department mess that requires more scrutiny is the growing evidence that the department may have singled out people for criminal prosecution to help Republicans win elections. The House Judiciary Committee has begun investigating several cases that raise serious questions. The panel should determine what role politics played in all of them.

Putting political opponents in jail is the sort of thing that happens in third-world dictatorships. In the United States, prosecutions are supposed to be scrupulously nonpartisan. This principle appears to have broken down in Alberto Gonzales's Justice Department - where lawyers were improperly hired for nonpolitical jobs based on party membership, and United States attorneys were apparently fired for political reasons.

Individual Democrats may be paying a personal price. Don Siegelman, a former Alabama governor, was the state's most prominent Democrat and had a decent chance of retaking the governorship from the Republican incumbent. He was aggressively prosecuted by both the Birmingham and Montgomery United States attorney's offices. Birmingham prosecutors dropped their case after a judge harshly questioned it. When the Montgomery office prosecuted, a jury acquitted Mr. Siegelman of 25 counts, but convicted him of 7, which appear to be disturbingly weak.

The prosecution may have been a political hit. A Republican lawyer, Dana Jill Simpson, has said in a sworn statement that she heard Bill Canary, a Republican operative and a Karl Rove protégé, say that his "girls" - his wife, the United States attorney in Montgomery, and Alice Martin, the United States attorney in Birmingham - would "take care" of Mr. Siegelman. Mr. Canary also said, according to Ms. Simpson, that Mr. Rove was involved.

Georgia Thompson is a Wisconsin state employee wrongly put in jail on corruption charges by the Milwaukee United States attorney. Despite strong evidence that she was innocent, Steven Biskupic prosecuted Ms. Thompson for corruption and got a conviction. The news hit shortly before a bitterly fought governor's race, and opponents of James Doyle, the state's Democratic governor, used the conviction to attack Mr. Doyle as corrupt. An appeals court later freed Ms. Thompson, but only after she had spent months in jail.

The committee has requested documents from the Justice Department about those two cases. It should also look into the investigation of Senator Robert Menendez by Christopher Christie, the United States attorney for New Jersey. Based on the facts that have come out, Mr. Menendez appears to have done nothing wrong. But word of the investigation leaked out in the fall of 2006, damaging Mr. Menendez's reputation just when Republicans were trying to defeat him. It is unclear whose idea it was to conduct an investigation so close to the election of Mr. Menendez's lease of a building he had sold years earlier.

The Bush administration is throwing roadblocks in Congress's way. It missed a deadline for turning over documents, and it has refused to make some of the principal actors available to testify. The Judiciary Committee should not be deterred. If Americans are being put in jail for political reasons, Congress must put a stop to it.


U.S. DemocRAT Sellout


Editor's Note: The following is a list of Democrats who voted for the FISA Bill, which signed into law the Bush administration's authority to eavesdrop on US citizens, making surveillance without warrants, which was being conducted in secret by the NSA and in violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, legal. cw/TO


  • Evan Bayh
  • Tom Carper
  • Bob Casey
  • Kent Conrad
  • Dianne Feinstein
  • Daniel Inouye
  • Amy Klobuchar
  • Mary Landrieu
  • Blanche Lincoln
  • Claire McCaskill
  • Barbara Mikulski
  • Bill Nelson
  • Ben Nelson
  • Mark Pryor
  • Ken Salazar
  • Jim Webb
  • House:

    Jason Altmire (4th Pennsylvania)
    John Barrow (12th Georgia) Blue Dog
    Melissa Bean (8th Illinois) Blue Dog
    Dan Boren (2nd Oklahoma) Blue Dog
    Leonard Boswell (3rd Iowa)
    Allen Boyd (2nd Florida) Blue Dog
    Christopher Carney (10th Pennsylvania) Blue Dog
    Ben Chandler (6th Kentucky) Blue Dog
    Jim Cooper (5th Tennessee) Blue Dog
    Jim Costa (20th California) Blue Dog
    Bud Cramer (5th Alabama) Blue Dog
    Henry Cuellar (28th Texas)
    Artur Davis (7th Alabama)
    Lincoln Davis (4th Tennessee) Blue Dog
    Joe Donnelly (2nd Indiana) Blue Dog
    Chet Edwards (17th Texas)
    Brad Ellsworth (8th Indiana) Blue Dog
    Bob Etheridge (North Carolina)
    Bart Gordon (6th Tennessee) Blue Dog
    Stephanie Herseth Sandlin (South Dakota) Blue Dog
    Brian Higgins (27th New York)
    Baron Hill (9th Indiana) Blue Dog
    Nick Lampson (23rd Texas) Blue Dog
    Daniel Lipinski (3rd Illinois)
    Jim Marshall (8th Georgia) Blue Dog
    Jim Matheson (2nd Utah) Blue Dog
    Mike McIntyre (7th North Carolina) Blue Dog
    Charlie Melancon (3rd Louisiana) Blue Dog
    Harry Mitchell (5th Arizona)
    Colin Peterson (7th Minnesota) Blue Dog
    Earl Pomeroy (North Dakota) Blue Dog
    Ciro Rodriguez (23rd Texas) Blue Dog
    Mike Ross (4th Arkansas) Blue Dog
    John Salazar (3rd Colorado) Blue Dog
    Heath Shuler (11th North Carolina) Blue Dog
    Vic Snyder (2nd Arkansas)
    Zachary Space (18th Ohio) Blue Dog
    John Tanner (8th Tennessee) Blue Dog
    Gene Taylor (4th Mississippi) Blue Dog
    Timothy Walz (1st Minnesota)
    Charles A. Wilson (6th Ohio) Blue Dog

    Bush's Mysterious Sway Over the U.S. Congress

    This August 5, one year after my criminal targeting by USHS, US President Bush officially signed into law new legislation legalizing warrant less wiretapping of dissidents.

    The U.S. Congress provides this opportunity by voting 227 to 183 to approve this legislation.

    U.S. President Bush White House announcement

    Washington Post article:
    Senate Votes To Expand Warrantless Surveillance
    The Senate bowed to White House pressure last night and passed a Republican plan for overhauling the federal government's terrorist surveillance laws, approving changes that would temporarily give U.S. spy agencies expanded power to eavesdrop on foreign suspects without a court order.
    (By Joby Warrick and Ellen Nakashima, The Washington Post)

    New York Times article:

    Bush Signs Law to Widen Legal Reach for Wiretapping
    People familiar with the law said that it provided a legal framework for much of the surveillance without warrants that was being conducted in secret.

    Bush Signs Law to Widen Reach for Wiretapping

    While such warrant less surveillance is framed in the context of suspected "terrorists" and of involving only communications with a least one foreign participant, nothing is said about oversight to guard against its abuse to stifle/discourage peaceful dissent.