At this moment, this phenomenon of the blogroll not showing my latest post at my blog Continuing Counter Reformation, AFAICT, is not occurring with my subsequent post "Wlodimir Ledochowski - WW 1 - 2 Culpability Is Being Exposed!"Saturday, July 25, 2009
Continuing Counter Reformation Censorship?
Why the last message of Douglas Willinger in his Continuing Counter Reformation blog, posted on Friday, 17 July, has not yet been putted in the blog's list of my blogs - "the Vatican crusade in the Balkans" and "Avles Beluskes Exposed"?
Why his message, I posted too in my blogs, is not yet on the Continuing Counter Reformation blogs' list?
The original darkened message of Douglas Willinger (till today the 26th July not yet appeared on my blogs' list):
However, immediately prior to this latest Continuing Counter Reformation post, the blogroll indicated that my most recent post there was "Obama - Columbia University Zbigniew Brzezinski: Romish-Masonic Tools for Papal War Against Russia?", just as indicated by Avles.
As of 3:24 AM Eastern US Time, the blogroll at ABE is not showing this article at Free Speech Beneath US Homeland Security.